Shout by DAVY X

Hostel 2006

Unseen unrated Edition
For it's time but
Very Mild by today's
With the movies that first
set the torture porn genre
into motion
The Last House On The Left*
and I Spit On Your Grave*
2 of my personal favourites
I knew back in the day I was
going to love Hostal.
I have an extensive
Horror collection as it's
my all time second favourite
Genre and over the decades
I have Horror movies that
make Hostel look like a
Care bears movie.
I still enjoy the
Hostels as it has a nice
bit of gore in the 3rd act
but it just takes a little
to long to get to the good
Times have changed
and so has the level
of Horror and Gore
I expect/demand
from the ass kicking
Genre that is "Horror".
(Still an iconic bit though
the Josh heel slice).

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