Review by ds1

Zach is such a learning-disabled kid. Up to that point an actually rather decent episode.
But goddamn Zach again, ruining the episode. Not that I care too much about Nora, though.
But really, the character Zach is not redeemable for me from this point on, even if I ignore my pretty strong dissatisfaction with the actor.

Nice to see how the hunter wasn't holding up his part of the bargain. He agreed that Setrakian reads the book first and then gives it to Quinlan. But he (Quinlan) suspected from the beginning Setrakian wouldn't give the book up and somehow we must get some suspense into this episode between those two asap, right? Meh. Again this writing with too little care (but I'd admit the writing overall was much better, comparatively).
But they were smarter this time not to pan over too much text in the book and this time it had umlauts in it.
Ah, consistency and an eye for detail, weak spots for The Strain, destroying any kind of immersion.
I probably won't be back for S3. It went too much downhill this season.
The only thing that would make me consider getting back to it is knowing it gets more action, now that Eph can go on a hunting spree.

Oh, and I wonder who they will get as a recast next for Zach. ;)

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Oh boy you're seriously hate-watching that show. :D Love your comments.

Hate-watching is maybe a bit strong, I'd say it's more of a hate-love kind of thing.^^"
I really do like the premise, that they try to put some scientific explanation into it, Fet is great, so is Dutch and their dynamic (similar for Setrakian and Fet), Nora is okay as long as she doesn't have scenes with Zach or is nagging on Eph, Eichhorst is a great antagonist but there's sooo much wrong with the execution and other characters on a regular basis... It's sad, really.
But nice that you enjoy my comments. :D
