This franchise needs to die die die die die die die die die die

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@alienprober Commenting/rating on Trakt months before the show airs needs to die die die die die die die die die die

@jackdoddy nope you special snowflake. It doesn't :person_shrugging_tone1:♂

@bkoto My general serious response:
I'd prefer it if pre-release review bombing was stopped and that maybe we could save the comment section for people who have watched the thing (or at least could theoretically have watched it). It's fine to believe this franchise should end, I'm not a huge fan or anything, but surely it should come from a place of knowledge. This comment was made by someone before the show even finished filming, and yet it is going to sit as the first thing you see on this show, possibly for its entire run. What's more, this show is actually rating and reviewing very well so far so there's no redeeming quality to it at all.

My response to you in particular:
I see you all the time. You get triggered by boobs and content guides. You spend your time saying how much better you are than Americans while simultaneously regurgitating very American right-wing propaganda line you hear word-for-word. So let's get it over, call me a cuck and let's get this over with.

@jackdoddy I don't see a problem with commenting on an episode or show before it airs. I do it all the time, stating my expectations or things I hope to see. Ratings, I definitely agree with not allowing before it airs.
