Review by Fxza

The Wind Rises 2013

"The Wind Rises" is undeniably a visual and narrative triumph, bearing all the hallmarks of Hayao Miyazaki's imaginative storytelling and meticulous attention to detail. However, it's not without its potential areas for improvement.

Firstly, the film's pacing could have been more balanced. While the slow pace beautifully captures the tranquility and dreamlike quality of the narrative, at times it feels as though some scenes stretch on a bit too long, causing the story to drag. Tighter editing might have made the film's progression more engaging without sacrificing its meditative quality.

Secondly, the love story between Jiro and Nahoko, although sweet and heartfelt, could have been developed further. Their relationship seems to evolve very quickly, leaving little room for character development and making it a bit harder for audiences to fully invest in their love story. Dedicating more time to their interactions could have given more depth to their characters and their relationship.

Moreover, the film has been critiqued for romanticizing the creation of war machines without sufficiently addressing the implications of their use in war. The movie does touch on this ethical dilemma, but it could have explored this aspect in a more nuanced and in-depth way, adding another layer of complexity to Jiro's character and to the story as a whole.

Lastly, while the film's dialogues are poetic and evocative, at times they can be a bit too cryptic, making it difficult for some viewers to grasp the underlying themes and messages. A bit more clarity and explicitness in the dialogues could have helped to convey these themes more effectively.

In conclusion, while "The Wind Rises" is a gorgeous and poignant film with a lot to admire, minor tweaks in pacing, character development, thematic exploration, and dialogue could have elevated it even further. Nonetheless, it remains a testament to Miyazaki's extraordinary ability to tell deeply human stories with beautiful animation and profound themes.

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