Review by SeanMSU

Oppenheimer 2023

+Acting all around. I am not a huge fan of Cillian Murphy but he delivered big time, Downey Jr of course did his thing, Damon was great, Safdie was the surprise hit imo, Florence didn't even have much screen time and she made a big impression, Blunt was good (her character is a terrible bitch but she filled the role well). And these are only a fraction of the main cast, but then every other scene has a major actor filling in a minor role, with of course Gary Oldman's Truman being the most notable.
+Sound design was phenomenal with the train going off it's tracks as both a fitting metaphor and a believable match for so many different scenes/sounds
+cinematography was excellent, the way it tied the sound with the events being a highlight as well as the visions where the moral self analysis of Oppenheimer was substituting reality with his mental state (the naked section of the interrogation, skin peeling off a cheering crowd, the missiles flying past his car). The visuals at the beginning are also wonderful, the moving electrons Oppenheimer visualizes to make his theories make sense were gorgeous. Lighting was great as well
+This movie nailed the tension maybe better than any other movie I've seen. This was something that made me concerned before watching because 3+ hours seems too long to maintain tension while also creating interesting events surrounding a science project in the desert but the early life, days as a professor, start of the Manhattan project, and the finale all bleed into each other incredibly well while mostly using metaphor and recurring themes to convey how Oppenheimer views his responsibilities, how others react to them out of his control, etc. in a way that makes a movie about the creation of a bomb complex but entirely worth every scene it contains. The bomb is NOT the only thing this movie is talking about and in my opinion that makes this so much more profound. Everything being interrupted by the "trials" of Oppenheimer and Strauss breaking down the complex questions for both the characters speaking and for the audience, both allowing anyone to be able to understand a very complex series of events but also using that time not to explain but to expand the characters and force them to address their actions which is the core of what this movie is about.
+It was never preachy, which is extremely hard for a movie about a highly political series of events. They address very interesting involvements Oppenheimer has with the Communist party but are sure to accurately portray them as more tangential than defining his beliefs and to address his continued work on a weapon he knew could destroy the world and the pride he takes in that work while also making it clear he is not a chud robot trying to blow up every enemy the US has. They had an excellent metaphor near the start where he explains how light is both a wave and a particle and it is contradictory but it still is the truth. People change their minds, you can associate with those without believing the same things as them, your work is not an encapsulation of your entire being, etc.
+Set/costume design was great, I'm not going to pretend like the 1930s/40s are the hardest era to replicate but they did their job
+Dialogue was above average but there were a number of weird bits

*Kind of mis-portrayed Truman considering he literally almost ended his presidency to stop MacArthur from glassing China/Korea with nukes but the scene was fucking hilarious so it gets a pass lol
*You could put this in the negative section but it's more of an interpretation I have than necessarily a fault in the movie itself. The conversations this story had where phenomenal and they way they drove home the themes about the consequences of our actions is done in an exceptional way however one thing that rubbed me personally the wrong way was the entire time Oppenheimer (and his cunt wife) are continually placing the entire blame on him but that kind of goes against the story because he is just the catalyst and there are so many competing/cooperating forces that are determining the creation, use, and further development of the bomb. It feels like the last scene with Einstein is starting to get to this solution with all of these people praising him/Einstein to attempt to forgive themselves but the very end is just Wide eyed Cillian Murphy being like "Nah bro I set off a chain reaction that's going to destroy the world" so it works against itself. No of course you can interpret this multiple ways and maybe I'm reading this scene against its intention but it does really come off that way to me and with the friend I saw it with
*Midwit Nolan fans are going to bitch about this movie not being eventful because they can't appreciate an actually good film

-Smooth brains will think it's too long (this is not an actual criticism)
-Smooth brains also will not like that they don't show the use of the bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (This is also not an actual criticism)
-The big twist in the trials is extremely predictable and almost everyone could see it coming from a mile away (The good thing is that it isn't really a major linchpin, at least in terms of you needing to be surprised for it to affect the viewing experience
-I think there is a fair argument against the use of black and white in the Strauss hearings. Yes, it kind of makes it look like a 1950s news story but it goes against the traditional psychology of film that says "Black and White=Older, Color=Newer" Since it is some of the last stuff to happen chronologically in the story

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@seanmsu Black and white in this movie is not OLD vs NEW. It's the stuff that is not seen through Oppenheimer's eyes, but someone else's perspective (take the einstein scene, as an example: B&W from strauss pov, color when we look through oppenheime's pvo)

@gazoo69 I know, I'm saying that going against the viewer's likely impression of when black and white are implemented as Old black and white and newer color

@seanmsu read it all and I agree. laughed at your first 2 cons, as I also agree with them, and saw too many complaining about that :smirk: maybe they thought this was a Dark Knight movie. Took one of your ideas into my comment.
