Review by Dahj Asha

Oh yeah, what an episode! <3

My highlight is Carmen and Johnny having a baby :)
Those scenes were so funny, it's nice for the story, and it should create a bigger bond between Miguel and Robby (I really wonder how they'll react...).
And as always: Lots of great scenes, lines, etc.

It's interesting that Mike Barnes is back and I wonder if he'll join forces with Danial after what happened at the end (he could also blame Daniel for it though and wouldn't be entirely wrong - but he kinda owes Daniel so I think/hope that he'll go pretty much all in).

Miguel started the talk with Sam really well but unfortunately failed at the end. It was really a bit much at once from Sam but IMO he could've reacted much better - unfortunately he panicked out... He should've asked so many questions to better understand the situation, to hear Sam out / to understand her and their situation, etc. He still has that chance (in theory) but it's probably much more difficult now. And dropping that chain was just really stupid (he could've at least returned it to the store...) - hopefully Sam will at least find it so that it wasn't for nothing. Anyway, I really wonder if Miguel will manage to handle that situation.

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@dahj some notes:

  • "Can't trash talk a karate assassin." xD
  • "And I am gasoline. Boom."
  • I immediately wondered if Carmen is pregnant when she threw up right after having a bite.
  • "Felt a lot sick lately." made it certain then.
  • "Johnny, I'm a couple of days late." and Johnny still doesn't get it... :o xD ("For what?")
  • "Yeah me too, a 100 %" - Johnny was so nervous xD -> "Maybe I should drive?"
  • The group to group texting (chat messages between Sam and Miguel with Moon/Jasmin and Eli/Demetri) xD
  • Johnny's weird condoms xDD + "Now I'm getting sick."
  • The beer practice-baby xD Johnny is really getting ready abd trying hard <3
  • Chozen being Chozen xD "If this is misunderstanding you better call ambulance" LOL xD!!!
  • Tell her the truth; still have a shot; etc. -> nice talk/advice <3
  • "We all get shit wrong sometimes. Some of us get it wrong a lot."
  • The couch xD
  • I'm still jealous of Sam's beautiful blue eyes!
  • "I should probably get going" - that's when Miguel f***ed up... :o And then he even dropped the chain... -1
  • "We're having a baby." YAY, I was hoping it would actually be happening :)
  • "Badass!" xD
  • And Silver really meant that "playing with fire" literally, apparently... :o