Review by Kaito

Oppenheimer 2023


To be upfront, I didn’t understand a lot of the dialogue in this movie. I think that’s partly because my listening comprehension isn’t the best, but others also said they had some issues so I think the sound mixing might also be partly at fault there. However, I still had no issue following the narrative, understanding the characters, and so on. I think the movie is just really well structured, helping me follow along even though we have multiple plot threads in different points of time. And well, sometimes the little physics knowledge I have helped me, for example when Strauss and Oppenheimer referenced Einstein’s “god doesn’t roll dice” quote, I immediately understood what they talked about. But I think as it is the movie is just well constructed.

Nolan is good with the tension and at building immersion and Oppenheimer is no different here. The movie really pulls you in with its fast pacing and the tension is built so damn well. The three hours honestly flew by and I never felt bored, it was consistently exciting to watch. The music is also incredible, aiding to the immersion along with Nolan’s direction. And while the sound design is not that good at making you understand the dialogue, there are scenes which literally burn into your mind. It’s been a while since a movie felt so cinematic and real.

Of course, the actual narrative is also interesting. Oppenheimer’s story turned out to be much more interesting than expected, and gave a lot of insight into America back then and Oppenheimer’s guilt and his emotional struggles. As it turned out the discussion and consequences of the atomic bomb were a much stronger focus than the bomb itself, which fits the overall framing of this movie as a biopic very well. Overall I have no particular issue with this movie - I think it’s very good. And I will rewatch with subs once it hits digital.

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@kaito6 I am pretty sure the sound "faults" were intentional, cuz its Christopher Nolan, its a recurring thing he does in his movies like dark knight rises, tenet and even some parts of interstellar


OPReply by Kaito

@dulneth-p yeah that might just be it, I read that Nolan also dislikes ADR so that's probably the reason
