I liked the premise of this episode... but the execution was sloppy at best.

First of all Jim Kirk... why does he hang around on Enterprise for hours? Doesn't he have somewhere else to be? And the ending seemed awfully forced when Jim and Uhura were in the bar and all of a sudden Spock joins them... why exactly would he do that? I would have understood if Jim or Spock had played chess and the other one was eager for a challenge... but for Spock to join Uhura and Kirk whom he doesn't know at that point... no, too far-fetched. Also the family drama with Sam... urgh... who cares if Sam thinks his dad might not be as excited about his career in science as he is about Jim's career? Sorry, but I don't need Jim Kirk on this show (especially not one who's as far away from being Kirk as Quinto was from being Spock...

Then there's the resolution about the deuterium aliens... again, I liked the premise... but the ending was way too rushed... it's like they ran out of time. Uhura rushes to the bridge, tells Pike that her hallucinations are actually aliens without any kind of scientific proof... and Pike hurries to destroy a whole station? It's not the resolution itself that bothers me, it's the way it's shown. (And let's just abandon common sense in that apparently there's no big manual emergency button to stop the station from collecting deuterium or just some way to cut the power to the system other than destroying the whole station...)´

Anyway, it's back to rather mediocre episodes - or poorly executed plots, to be more precise. The ideas are there.

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@nicky2910 Yes the way they destroyed the station was really bad. The first person says something they say ok destroy everything in minutes without thinking.
