Review by Lazo

Barbie 2023

The movie's message is very hypocritical because it claims to promote feminism but actually promotes female supremacy (women ruling over men, not the equality message that feminists tend to preach). The barbies getting their world back from the Kens is seen as fair and equal even though it is literally a matriarchy where the men are just there to entertain the women and don't even have their own houses. They switch from patriarchy to matriarchy but never mention it.

I am a very liberal person and I am completely for equality, but not female supremacy. And besides, if it was just a few references it would have been fine even then, but the problem is it is the film's main plot. The whole point of the movie is to lecture to men why they shouldn't be the ones in charge and make them appear as buffoons, as morons who can't do anything right, that's what I despise about this movie. The women are never portrayed as idiots except when they are in a brainwashed state, yet the movie claims to promote equality. That's the problem with radical feminists like the film's director (Greta Gerwig).

I guess next time, before I pay for movie tickets, I am going to actually read the critic reviews and make sure that the filmmaker is not a radical moron before I make my decision. This time, I just foolishly picked the movie based on the eye candy I saw in the trailer. And yes, the eye candy was there throughout the entire movie, but that's the only good thing about the movie, everything else was horrible. Ryan Gosling is a great actor but in this, he is portrayed as a weak spineless man, and the few times where he is portrayed as strong, it is only in a stereotypical way to make fun of him. If the movie really preached equality, it wouldn't be so focused on making the men appear as idiots or promoting a female dominated society, it is because of that kind of stuff that plenty of people (including some women) are against feminism.

I completely understand wanting to tear down the patriarchal aspects of society or calling them out, but by replacing them with ideas of female supremacy, it makes the movie's message lose its credibility, because feminism tends to be about equality, not trading patriarchy for matriarchy, which doesn't even work in the real world. All matriarchal societies are either failures or they are stuck in a very undeveloped state and never make any progress. Also, there is a reason why some jobs are more male dominated than others, very few women want to work in construction, because it is dirty, it is a lot of heavy lifting, and it can lead to broken nails and even serious injuries.

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Modern feminism isn't about equality. It's about matriarchy. Look at any recent feminist activity.

@roveroppy A few feminists have fought to try to fix the system but because those problems only bother men and not women, most don't fight to fix it unless they can somehow benefit from it. Men's rights activists (MRA) are the ones who did the most good for the rights of fathers, but they are still heavily portrayed as misogynists or incels, which makes no sense, since they are just the male version of a feminist. Many feminists hate MRAs because fighting for men's rights leads to women losing some of their unfair privileges.

Most men are completely unaware of the fact that in first world countries, if they have kids with a woman, and end up breaking up with her, the best case scenario is they have the kids on the weekends, but that is only if they broke up on good terms, if she hates him, then she could make up lies about him so he gets no custody but still has to pay her a huge chunk of his salary in child support, that's the kind of stuff most feminists don't bother talking about. As for the institution of marriage, it costs thousands of dollars for the man to buy the engagement ring, then he has to pay tens of thousands on a wedding, and then lose half his stuff in a divorce and keep paying her for many years just to leave, on top of the money he has to give her so she can raise the kids with her new boyfriend. If men knew about that and the fact that more than half of marriages end in divorce, they would not get married and they would not have kids. In this day and age, you have more rights as a father if you pay for a surrogate mother and raise your children as a single father, then you can get a girlfriend and she will play the role of mother without any of the parental rights, because biologically, it's not her kids, that's how you fight the system and win as a man in this day and age. And since surrogate mothers can be upwards of 150 000$ in the west, the best thing to do is to go to a third world country where you will pay a few thousand dollars then fly back home with the baby. So far, at the age of 25, I'm not interested in having kids, but if I ever changed my mind later on, that is how I would do it, I wouldn't impregnate a western woman hoping everything works out unless she has a much higher income than me. By the way, that is the only way to win a divorce as a man, if she comes from a multi millionaire family and you come for a poor or middle class family, you are the one who will get the alimony and the most financial rewards but only if you do not sign a prenuptial agreement, if you do, then you are in a position of weakness because she can cuck you with no consequences.

Another great option is to move to a country like Thailand or the Philippines, where the women are traditional and will treat you with more respect than any western woman ever would, but the downside here is that if you want to leave, you have no parental rights over the children, since you're a foreigner.

By the way, people often wonder why so many fathers kidnap their own children, and the reason is because they cannot deal with the fact that they have to pay more than half their salary to their ex wife on top of losing half their money and resources only to watch their kids grow up with an often toxic stepfather who can abuse them. The biological father is put into a helpless position where he has no power so to fight the system, he breaks the law and tries to escape with his kid, which never works out because he always gets caught.

@lazo I wonder if your mother worried about breaking her nails while birthing you. You say you are for equality yet you are with mysgonist beliefs.

@melbournedh You're confusing self preservation for hate. Getting married as a man in this day and age is like putting your life savings into gambling with the reward being a loving family. Even though most of the people in my family never got divorced and my parents didn't either and my close friends' parents didn't either, it's not so much about the odds, but the consequences of failure, what it costs in terms of money and freedom most of all, the only ones who escape it are the ones rich enough to make proper use of prenups. When the average man tries it, he usually fails since it is not admissible in court.

I have a mother and a little sister that I love so don't try to guilt trip me, it's not going to work. I am a bisexual man and I feel absolutely no romantic attraction to anyone and I have been this way since forever. I still feel platonic and sexual attraction, I am still capable of loving someone just not being in love in the romantic sense so even if marriage didn't have those risks, I still wouldn't do it, just because in my mind, as someone who doesn't experience romantic attraction, it's not something that makes sense. I don't get attached to the people I have sex with, or to my friends, I enjoy what they provide them but I never get possessive, because of this, for many years I didn't even get what was the deal with cheating, which today I obviously know it's mainly about a betrayal of trust, and also the fact that most people feel possessive about their partner, like they own them in some way and are owned by them in a mutual consensual way, that is something I can never feel myself but can still somewhat understand it.

And yes, I am completely for equality but the world isn't. The problem with feminists is they complain men are privileged but won't acknowledge the fact that women are too. And although they claim to care about men's interests, in reality, very few of them do, and it can be seen in their actions and what they fight for when they go marching, the male feminists are treated with no respect, and are often viewed as infiltrators trying to cause chaos, because why would a man fight against his own interests? In the mind of many feminists, it just doesn't make sense, although they won't admit to it, to not lose credibility and to not appear misandrist.

In this day and age, people are so quick to call men looking out for their own interests misogynists, but what about women who hate men or want to kill all men, they are never called misandrists, although that is the proper terminology. If you ask feminists, they will tell you misandry isn't real, because if they actually were to admit to its existence, it could now be used against them.

@lazo Sorry to say, you really didn't get the movie as it definitely calls out the idea of "matriarchy" too. I thought it stood for true equality.

@lazo I've combined and shortened your posts for you to make your points clearer:
"I wanted to see a movie, so I chose one that made my penis tingly even though it is clearly marketed at women and especially girls. Instead of making me hard, I found out this movie used classic girls' toys as an entry point into a more serious topic. I was tricked into questioning my conservative values, and I'm unable to process my emotions to lead to fruitful discussion, instead I will allow it to turn into anger.

The messages in this movie were clearly broken down so that young girls could understand them, while doing their best to not turn off the easily bored. Everything was written carefully to be as explicitly explained to camera as possible to try and reduce the number of angry middle-aged men taking offence and writing bad comments online. These points did not work on me, because I was too angry to take in any of that nuance after approximately 20 minutes.

Also, I hold a number of clearly sexist and misogynist beliefs. I believe in 'old' feminism, but don't actually know what that is. I also think that MRAs are somehow 'exactly' the same, and not a cesspit of sexists, incels, and white supremacists. I needed you to know all this for some reason even though my argument would have been better if I had not revealed that I'd been radicalised online and was in need of intervention.

I would have been against this movie regardless of what its message was because my life is complicated and I'm trying to figure it out. Unfortunately, I'm looking in the wrong places for answers. It feels best for me right now that I take this confusion out on a movie, rather than addressing what is actually causing it."

@jackdoddy First of all, it always makes me laugh when people accuse me of being a conservative for looking out for my own self interest even though I actually vote liberal (not the liberal party but the quebecois party, which is french liberal in Canada basically since that is my first language), I especially do that because as a poor student, I need the money they are freely giving out, so being conservative would not benefit me financially. As for socially, as someone who is both bisexual and aromantic, it puts me in the LGBTQIA community which is liberal again, so calling me a conservative is really nonsensical.

Second, I didn't go watch the movie due to the looks of the actors, because as a 25 year old, my type tends to be people 21-25, not 33-42, no matter how good they look for their age, so I can guarantee you that I don't get turned on by looking at them and I don't picture them naked either, I'm just not into older people.

Third, putting MRAs in the same category as incels shows a clear lack of understanding of the different subsections of the manosphere, which most people don't even bother to research, including most journalists, which leads to a lot of misinformation. Just so we're clear, incels are virgins who blame their bad looks (mainly genetic traits) for their lack of success with women and the advice that is often prescribed to them of improving their personality or taking a shower tends to not work because their inceldom is often due to a mental disorder like autism, or just being too socially isolated to even make decent friends in the real world, so most of their friends are often like them. They are a byproduct of their environment, most not a threat to society just not in a happy state, which is why they often sound hateful, it is not because they are hateful that nobody wants them but because nobody wants them that they are hateful. Still a hard to grasp concept for most people who seem to never struggle at making friends or dating throughout their life.
I have never identified myself as an incel because I have never been hateful like them, but as someone with high functioning autism, I have dealt with similar issues, although I am not a virgin and actually have a body count of 5, not to brag.

Other popular subsections of the manosphere are mgtow, pickup artists, and men's rights activists (MRA), and again, each of those are a different thing, each view women as a form of antagonist but most don't express hate in the way that incels do, they just view women as the enemy which is bad yes, but makes them completely unwilling to commit acts of violence against them, hence why every terrorist attack was committed by an incel, and not any other subsection of the manosphere.
For a quick runthrough, MRA are men fighting for the injustices done against men in the modern world (unfair divorce laws, child custody laws, child support costs, no fault divorce, domestic violence bias and so on), they often do good in the issues that they fight for and thanks to them, men have earned better child custody rights over the years, but tend to lower the importance of women's issues, mainly because feminists don't care about men's issues, so that's their way of getting revenge.

MGTOW are men who are aware of the injustices against men but instead of trying to fight a broken system and risking ruining their reputation, getting cancelled and losing their job, they choose to just walk away altogether, often only from the injustices, not women completely. They may still date and have a romantic relationship but they avoid marriage, they don't have kids and they don't cohabitate (depending on the common law marriage laws wherein some states treat couples who cohabitate as if they were married and the guy has to pay his ex alimony to get her to leave).

Pickup artists are just men who date specifically to hookup with women and sometimes to form purely sexual relationships like friends with benefits, they don't see women as antagonists at all, but some of them do use manipulation tactics and lie about who they are to seem more interesting, some are completely honest though, it really depends. Most of them only do it as a phase during their 20s, (like how some women do with their hoe phase) and then they get married and live a pretty normal life.

As for putting white supremacists in the same category as the manosphere, that doesn't make any sense, since every single one of those communities is not based on race, except maybe the black pill community, where they focus heavily on looks, this is like the incel community but weaponizing looks theory to become more attractive, often leading to self improvement in the looks department, often just losing weight and gaining muscle, and dressing better and skin care, but sometimes also drastic measures like plastic surgery. Like white supremacists, they often tend to rank white men as better looking than everyone else, and have a lot of racist prejudices, but they are the only ones who fit into that category, them and incels. Also, I did notice some very small communities in mgtow who were black supremacists, but no white supremacists.

Finally, for the mentioned subtext, there is none, I mean the director clearly shows her position in every scene, using feminism as an excuse to spew as much misandry as possible without any negative repercussions. If you talk to a real feminist though, you'll quickly realize that they don't really think like that, but like I said earlier, the movement is still focused more on women's issues, often neglecting men's issues, which are definitely a thing, but rarely mentioned. Some feminists in the past did do some good at helping men though.
A thing that the movie did not portray is the fact that the patriarchy puts men at a disadvantage by giving them specific traditional roles based on gender, like the draft, doing more manual labor, not talking about their problems.

The truth that most feminists are aware is that the enemy is the old patriarchal system of the nuclear family, and while some of it is gone, a lot of it still remains. But for the few radical feminists like Greta Gerwig, the enemy is men as a whole, even though the ones who are guilty for making that system died over a hundred years ago.
My problem with the movie is not that it has feminist talking points, but that it shoves in people's faces misandrist beliefs and presents them as facts rather than opinions. And it acts as if revenge is better than actually fixing the system, by doing a complete role reversal, which is not at all what feminists are after.

So basically, if you did your research on these issues, you would not be so misinformed about those topics. It's easy to look at the big picture and start pointing fingers, but it takes more deliberate effort to actually put in the hours and find out what is actually true, rather than just blindly believing what a headline says. I tend to look at all the sides, and I never take sides, that is how I remain unbiased.

@lazo For someone who doesn't hold any conservative beliefs, you certainly like to repeat them word-for-word.

I understand the manosphere very well, following right-wing/grifting/conspiracy theorist/etc groups, particularly online, is of particular interest to me. Knowing about the 'manosphere' and the apparent differences between different sects is, funnily enough, a red flag in and of itself. It's hard enough keeping the worms out of my brain as an outsider studying the inside, let alone as an insider.

I hope you find your way out. The concept of 'MRA' is so vague and claimed by so many different groups, that it is nearly meaningless. The only thing all of these groups have in common is misogyny. If you're interested in actual discussions of gender politics you need to be able to have it removed from activist and pilled rabbit holes. You're a Barbie living in Barbie world right now. The study of feminism has far more useful and interesting things to learn on behalf of the rights of men than I have seen from anything from that MRA sphere you're in. A not insignificant chunk of feminism is about helping men understand what has been done to us by 'patriarchy', and how developing better systems in society we can help ourselves in the process.

I would say a point of this movie might be to trigger exactly the thoughts you're having now, but you're just not in the right place to take them one step further right now. Step one is to not let that pill slip further down your throat.

@jackdoddy That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing, you have given no arguments, nothing to prove what you believe in and nothing to prove that what I am saying is misogynistic. By the way, just so we're clear, the things I have learned can make life a whole lot easier but at the same time, I think for a typical person who experiences romantic attraction, living the single life forever wouldn't work because they would get lonely pretty fast. In my case though, I have always been happy on my own, and although I don't hate people, I get overwhelmed when I spend too much time with other people. Many would boil this down to just simple introversion but no, it is so much more. I don't experience romantic attraction and although I experience sexual attraction, sex is not something I need to be happy. I mean I have had it in the past and it was nothing special. People keep saying that if you do it with someone you love, then it's different but I personally have never fallen in love with anyone, a big part of it is the fact that I am autistic, so my interests matter more.

But let's say I was normal, I still wouldn't get married, but I would play it in the smart MGTOW way of avoiding any legal entanglements and just trying to date without getting the court system involved, by not getting married, not having kids and not cohabitating, but since I'm not interested in getting a girlfriend, I'm not even going to do that but I very well could.
The red pill's dating strategy is to juggle multiple friends with benefits, like the bad boys often do. For most bad boys, it is an innate dating strategy that they didn't have to learn anywhere, they were just born to be that way, or in some cases, influenced by their environment but the red pill is essentially, guys who are overly nice who struggle with women, who turn the tables in their favour by learning how to act like a bad boy and they first achieve this by looking the part by building an impressive physique and it is a very effective method, hence why Reddit quarantined that community, because they didn't want men to get these tools, because naive innocent men were being taught to lie to their partner to get laid more, and society doesn't want that. Women used to have their own female dating strategy subreddit and seemed to be untouchable but eventually they got banned too, I guess Reddit doesn't discriminate towards one gender more than another unlike Twitch.

As for feminism, I'm not arguing against everything they stand for, but simply stating the fact that most don't fight for men's interests, although they hypocritically claim to do so, because they don't want to lose face when facing criticism and especially when going up against people who despise their movement. It is a movement built on lies, not all of it, but a big part of it is, like the wage gap, which has been debunked so many times, men put in more hours, work harder jobs so they make more money, with the exception of women who manage to dedicate their entire lives to their career by either choosing to not have kids or by getting a stay at home husband to do that for them. Plenty of government programs exist to give financial support to women in need but none for men, and I could go on and on but I won't.

Personally, I don't identify as a MRA or part of the manosphere in the slightest and anyways, it is pretty much dead, since it had been banished from every major platform including reddit and youtube, but its ideas live on and continue to benefit the lives of the men who were blessed by it. Back when I was 17, I was the typical overly nice guy brainwashed by romantic comedies to believe in the Disney idea of romance, and I had no clue about the risks of settling down in the 21st century as a man, and also no clue as to how to attract women, which, as I came to find out years later, boils down mainly to either having good looks (face, hair, physique, height, and so on) or having money or majoring in something that will give the man a high income job in the near future. Every man that I know who is in a relationship with a woman, I can identify exactly what made her attracted to him, and nearly every single time, it's his career. It is never his personality. His kindness does factor in but it is not the main factor that attracts her, it is just an expectation.

The only women I have ever had a chance with were those who were very short because with my height of 6'4", plenty of them have unrealistic standards of wanting a man much taller than themselves, and there were also those who were very tall and desperate to get with a tall man, but those who were in the middle in terms of height were often less interested. And anyways, like I said, it was never something I felt I needed, so the motivation for me to pursue them in that way just isn't there, although my potential for dating is actually very high and constantly increasing as I keep improving both my looks and income.

@lazo -Andrew Tate fanboy.


@lazo As a woman, I totally agree with you. Sure, I could have easily gotten lost in all of the fun Barbie fantasy land, but not at the expense of all that woke anti-male crap this was laced with. It just ruined the whole move for me.
