How did those looking after Jugo survive that long taking care of him without knowing he was a man-eater?

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@mortilnis Jugo isn't a man-eater. At least, not now. He has certain abilities because he is a hybrid.
This show is like sudoku. Some mysteries need hypotheses to understand certain aspects of the anime.

In episode three, we meet a man-eating fish that can move around on the hull boat. Like Kuku who can easily climb a big wall or hold on to a tree just by touching a branch without holding it. From there, I understood that the children of paradise are the man-eaters that we meet during Maru's/Kiruko adventure.

Do you remember the two young girls kissing near a tree? Nanaki & Iwa. These are the two women who joined the group of women supremacist society. One of them had a child with Juichi.. Jugo! Jugo has special freezing powers, but it's not the creature we saw fighting with Kiruko.
