Shout by Andrew Roy

The Peripheral

Season 1

The Peripheral is a worthy successor to Westworld. While Nolan and Joy aren't the show creators, their fingerprints are all over the themes and complex plot. I clamor for high concept, creative sci-fi and these two shows are prime examples. The Peripheral never reaches the heights of Westworld in either its joy to puzzle out or the thrill of the plot, but it works hard to earn our emotional investment in its characters and has excellent production value. While I don't think it's as brilliant or mind blowing as the stakes it tries to drum up, the concept of having a peripheral in a different timeline is so fascinating. No element rises above to make it a show I'd jump to recommend anyone, but each episode has exciting moments and is always grounded in a premise I enjoy. I hope season 2 expands the scope, as learning about the larger conflict between the RI and whatever Zukov's group was called was far more interesting than the small town character dynamics.

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