Shout by Dudaai

Babylon 2022

Gawd, is it Oscars time again? A waaaaaay overly long train-wreck of movie; self-indulgent, pretentious garbage with a massive overdose of shlock-shock that really serves no purpose whatsoever. It's hard to get what the point of it was like AT all, just because you can do things in a movies really doesn't mean that you should. Even at 90 minutes this garbage would have been a struggle but 3 hours!!! Literally the ONLY reason I didn't can this movie after the first 20 minutes was Margot Robbie who plays her part extremely well albeit the character is pretty detestable, like just about every other character. Other than that, zero redeeming factors at all, marked as a 4 merely for some of the acting and sets, otherwise a definite 1 star! Is this the start of Brad Pitt's "B List" career?

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