Barbie 2023

When it is "fun" to just let loose, not think about anything and enjoy the marvelous cinematography and laugh at the silly dance, you can't tell everyone "best not to think about it" at EVERY problem in the plot when your story is ultimately about your protagonists having their great quest to self realization. There is a famous statue in Moscow by the waterfront where it is marveled at and laughed at by its citizens for its gigantic size and lack of purpose. While there's definitely a lot of craftsmanship in its making, it's resulted in nothing more than a good laugh and something fun to look at when your eyes have no better place to look at.
For Barbie, "Fun" is nothing but a cheap escape for a bad script and lack of mindful creativity, and a failed attempt to make itself a work of serious importance it is proclaiming to be.

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