Shout by Toralf

Heart of Stone 2023

"Heart of Stone" is the next by-the-numbers Netflix movie where you know exactly what you're going to get before you see it. Anyone who has watched the likes of "The Gray Man", "Army of Thieves", or "Red Notice" knows exactly what I mean. These are all movies for which the word mediocrity was invented. In any case, my pulse remained at a consistently low level throughout the entire running time of just about two hours for "Heart of Stone". Neither is the action thrilling, nor are the characters interesting. The film just plods along until it ends in a boring finale.

Gal Gadot is okay as the lead, but nothing more. The rest of the cast remains flat. The script also offers no basis for suspense. The world is peppered with agent movie clichés; the only slightly more interesting element is the super AI, with whose help special agent Rachel Stone (Gadot) solves all sorts of problems at the beginning, but the concept eventually fades into the background. When all's said and done, all I can say is "meh." However, I doubt Netflix will ever learn.

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