Review by Toralf

Blue Beetle 2023

DC has already proven in the past with the first "Shazam!" that a superhero movie can work if the focus is not primarily on being a hero but on topics that everyone can understand, such as family. In "Blue Beetle", the theme of family is again clearly the standout. The film has heart, and Xolo Maridueña, known mainly from "Cobra Kai", is an excellent leading man. The rest of the Reyes family also leaves a lasting impression right from the start, especially George Lopez as Uncle Rudy.

The film's effects are also solid. The "Blue Beetle" suit does look more like something from a CW show than a movie production in some scenes, and some borrowings from Iron Man are a bit too obvious. But all in all, it works quite well, and the look of the film is definitely memorable. In the end, however, it didn't convince me completely. The villains (Susan Sarandon and Raoul Max Trujillo) are far too one-dimensional and boring for that. And also, the superhero part of the story is a bit too generic for my taste. I definitely had to roll my eyes a time or two as well. Still, I'd say there have been worse comic-book adaptations this year.

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