Review by whitsbrain

Oppenheimer 2023

A well told story that didn't judge the characters, the politics, or the motivations. For every action, there was an equal and opposite reaction. No one in this film was morally perfect. I don't know that I liked anyone a whole lot, except for Alden Ehrenreich, who played the Senate aide of Lewis Strauss (Robert Downey, Jr.). The gratification his character appears to get from watching Strauss burn was great. Matt Damon's General Groves and Oppenheimer's relationship was satisfying. All of the acting was top notch and the dialog was tremendous.

This is not just a film for nerds. In fact, I was surprised by how little science was actually discussed. There's marbles in a bowl, for Pete's sake! Not to mention the numerous times we see scientists scribble math on a chalkboard. The score, or at least some sort of noise, plays over almost all of the dialogue, which sometimes makes it difficult to hear what's being said. However, it makes the moments of silence much more impactful when they do happen, so there's no doubt it's all very deliberate.

Nolan's direction is unique and creative and makes me want to watch the film again. Many of Robert Oppenheimer's "daydreams" are manifestations of his emotional struggles. There are a couple of moments when the camera is pulled in tighter (than usual) on Oppenheimer's face and you can see the background trembling. It's a really neat effect.

To me, the bloom had been off the rose with Nolan's most recent films, but "Oppenheimer" has helped bring back some of the freshness of his earlier works.

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