Review by Jess

Money Heist 2017


Review by Jess

Currently at part 3 ep 7. It is kinda good and bad honestly. It's awesome coz the professor planned it all so well but their biggest problem is always LOVE and trust. Love between tokyo and rio and tokyo being unstable and rash seems to always mess things up. Rio being too clingy is another factor of them messing up. The moment the professor started having "love" problems with Lisbon and wasn't available at the command center quickly escalated into the entire team falling out with each other, with everyone having their own plans to get out and save themselves. So much for teamwork, it only took the professor's absence to crumble the team inside out.
Secondly, them being as robbers that are so friendly and caring to the point that the hostages can push them around, i mean it's an interesting concept because they didn't wanna hurt anyone and sorta wanted to make use of that to get public support but to the point when hostages aren't afraid of them is kind of a joke to me. They have guns for God's sake.
Lastly, i remember this part where the assault team closed in and were shooting at Rio and Tokyo, they were cornered but guess what? Tokyo got shot (she has bullet vest on) and the assault team were such sharpshooters they all shot the vest, not anywhere else BUT only the vest coz she made it out with zero injuries and they were kinda at point blank range. That concept is pushing it, as much as u wanna keep your characters around, at least make it a lil more believable. So far, this show isn't too bad and I'm sure I'm gonna finish it, i hope they can wrap it up well.

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