Review by Toralf

Gran Turismo 2023

I usually don't have any problems with the sports movie formula. Quite the contrary, it actually almost always provides a certain qualitative floor that guarantees I can enjoy the film. However, I really haven't seen a flick as formulaic as "Gran Turismo" in a long time. And even that wouldn't be the biggest problem if at least a few of the elements hit the spot. But nothing really convinced me here.

The script, which contains every cliché imaginable, is undoubtedly the film's weakest link. Whether it's the grumpy mentor, the one-dimensional rival, the unnecessary love interest, or the disapproving father, everything is totally predictable. The actors aren't even the problem, for the most part—except for Orlando Bloom, who really is abysmally bad here. Furthermore, you have to look for humor in "Gran Turismo" with a magnifying glass. The film takes itself far too seriously, while the characters are all uninteresting. And the whole "gamer" versus "real" driver nonsense seems completely out of date.

Only the racing sequences could have saved the film for me, but they also failed to click. Although they are nicely shot in places, they are also regularly intercut with some kind of effect. There is never any suspense, and for a film that advertises so aggressively that it is based on a "true story," the individual race situations seem incredibly contrived. Even in a boring Formula 1 season like this year, I've seen much more suspense than in this film. In the end, this movie is nothing more than a PlayStation and Nissan commercial. If you want to see some cool Le Mans action, watch "Ford v Ferrari" instead.

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Awesome review. I’m addicted to Trakt and usually review everything I see but your review is so perfect that I won’t bother this time (instead I’ll comment your review lol). Anyway how bad was Orlando in this? I mean his acting is a total disaster. What happened to him? Something must have happened. You can go from being decent to being totally awful for no reason can you? Could it be the director that somehow ruined him in this movie? Does a director have that much power over an actors performance? You would think a good actor would still manage to act well as is seen in so many bad movies that have an actor that does a good job but can’t save the film.. anyway. I’m following you pal!

OMG did you see #emily’s review? She saw the movie accidentally and she hates cars, races and video games but she loved the movie. Dude I’m in the Twilight Zone with this movie…

Come to think of it David and Djimon are usually pretty good and they totally stink in this film so it’s probably not Orlando’s fault. Is that his real name Orlando Bloom? I hope it is because if he chose that as his screen name he’s a total moron. Gosh I’m in a bad mood today. Maybe it’s because my gf woke me up at 3am, kicked me out of bed for no reason so I went to the basement and watched Gran Poopola… then I put on Morbius and fell asleep immediately which is probably a good thing…
