1. Weakest lightsaber fight I've seen
  2. Are we really doing the full woman power thing? the master, the padawan, the sith ?
  3. So now lightsaber stab nobody is fine nobody dies from it except Qui Gon Jinn?
  4. I'm sorry I'm not sold with Ashoka actress performance. doesn't suit her to be a "master" Jedi , sounds fake
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A lightsaber-stab through center-chest (likely impaling heart, major arteries, lungs, etc.) sounds likely to be fatal (as Captain Hayle was so surprised to learn).

A lightsaber-stab through lower outside abdomen (unlikely to hit any major organs) sounds like a reasonable chance of recovery with quick and appropriate medical attention.

Most lightsaber-stabs that we've seen so far have been closer to the fatal side (presumably 'cause that's where they're usually aimed), AFAIK, although there've been a few exceptions.
