Review by Speed Demon

Who Is Erin Carter? 2023

Watched 3 episodes and it just got dumber and dumber.
Not only that, but no one is actually paying attention to details in the filming of it. Here's a couple of examples..
1. She's at the pool with her daughter. she's wearing a grey/white T-shirt. She leaves and gets into her car. She arrives at the destination wearing a yellow top and yellow jeans - huh?
2. Twice she tracks somebody down using her mobile phone - it shows us her doing it. How does she track someone she doesn't know? does everyone in Barcelona have a chip embedded that anyone can use to keep track of them?
3. She goes to meet somebody but parks literally 2 miles away. She stuffs a gun in her waistband but we never see it until she needs it then it appears again
4. She plays a game of tennis - doesn't sweat at all. Walks away and her mobile phone just appears in her hand!!
5. Someone shoots out her rear window and she drives to her destination.. with the window in tact
6. She runs away from the bad guys who jump into their Range Rovers and pursue her only to appear from two different directions to block her!!!

I could go on, but you get the picture.

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@speeddemon 2. If you're talking about Ep 2, which I've watched up to, that was Emilio's phone that was tracking Emilio's watch (which you can see a symbol of on the tracking app). I'll be keeping an eye out for the rest in Ep 3!

Ahh I missed that!! Now it makes sense. @velvetthunder

@speeddemon Seen Ep3.

-1. Totally valid, I think there's an assumption made she stopped at home on the way (as she was going to drop off Harper originally anyway).
-3. I assume that was to avoid the car on CCTV or something. The gun is valid, but she does put a jacket over it. That's just a filming nicety, cos that's probably uncomfortable for scenes/takes where it wasn't needed.
-4. Again, valid. Was gonna chalk that down to actor comfort again, but it seemed Jordi did sweat (on the back). Didn't pay attention to the phone thing, presume it was picked up off-screen.
-5. She arrives and peels off a "Cristal Reparo" stick from said window, now I'm no expert in Spanish, but I'm pretty certain what that translates to haha.
-6. A little clumsy, I guess. Putting that down to the other one booking it and going the long way around haha.

Bit harsh for a 1/10 all told really.
