Shout by Captain Tightpants

Death Race 2000 1975

I'd heard or read about this a number of times and was also going back to watch anything Sly was in and finally got around to DR2K. Sadly, I could only make myself watch half of it before turning it off out of exasperation. Maybe if I'd seen it in my teens or 20s, I'd have built up an affinity for it and been able to enjoy it later in life. As it stands, I found it utterly impossible to watch or enjoy.

Apologies to the fans of this apparent cult classic, but if you've never watched this and are over...30?...I'd strongly suggest skipping it. Lest this movie's fans think I'm some curmudgeon who doesn't appreciate camp or B-movies, I loved Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Night of the Comet, The Evil Dead, the original House horror movie, and They Live.

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