Definitely better than the fourth Indy film. Excellent opening scene as would have been expected by this kind of movie followed by the unfortunate lull in the middle that had me dozing off. It did manage to land a respectable ending to save this film from being a waste of time.

PWB did a great job as the new addition. Good enough to be the main lead in the sequel/spin-off? Maybe. HF is still the magnetic leading man, but do we really need to see the cellulite? Please CG a tank top on the man so it does not spoil our perfect memory of Indy.

Was it just my imagination or was there a weird slow-mo moment in the running on top of the train scene?

Ultimately, it felt like this genre (or the franchise?) is way past its prime. It either needs a fresh take or be put to rest for a while.

That will do Indy. That will do.

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