Really a tale of two halves of an episode here. Obi Wan and Anakin having to team up with Dooku to try to escape the pirates (or brigands(?) apparently) was an entertaining odd-couple (odd-trio) adventure that had an interesting dynamic which gave shading and great character moments to all involved. Plus, Dooku's eventual exit was one of the most legitimately and starkly frightening moments on a show that doesn't shy away from the costs of war, but is usually pretty discreet about it. Again, it was one of the better storylines on this show so far.

But the other half was a Jar-Jar half, which, eh, what are you going to do? Jar-Jar's Mr. Magoo routine either works for you or it doesn't, and I'm squarely in the "doesn't" camp. I have to admit that hearing him voice by Phil Lamar was a little distracting, but otherwise it was mostly just a tale of his clowning his way to victory. I did appreciate that his buffoonery had a cost (again, I appreciate that for a kids' show, Clone Wars isn't afraid to show that lives are on the line, even if those lives tend to be secondary characters), and the Clone Troopers deciding to use his Goofy-like propensities against the pirates was a neat wrinkle. Nevertheless, this was very much the lesser of the two intersecting stories in this episode.

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