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So, no real japanese actors on this? That's kinda lame, especially from Netflix.

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Mackenyu is playing zoro and he is Japanese

@iwatchalotoftv They obviously didn't look at the cast properly :sweat_smile:

There's no Japan in One Piece so why would they need Japanese actors. It's understandable that many people have strong opinions when it comes to these adaptations but this comment isn't constructive to the quality of the production.

@bkoto the creator himself said multiple times over the years that if the characters would be in the real world, their nationalities would all be very different. Luffy (Brazil), Zoro (Japan), Nami (Sweden), Usopp (Africa), Sanji (France).
So before you start spreading your negativity maybe check some facts beforehand. Thank you.

Tell me you know nothing about One Piece without telling me you know nothing about One Piece :sweat_smile:

@bkoto You should check the facts and rewatch/reread the anime/manga. One Piece is not featuring Japanese characters except for maybe Zorro (?!). Only because it's anime/manga doesn't mean, that the main plot features Japanese characters. :)

@bkoto just because it's a manga/anime adaptation you assume that every one is Japanese... now that's what i call racism.

@bkoto Have you even watched the anime? Have they ever mentioned Japan in the anime? Do you really think that characters like Usopp have Japanese features? Or is it just that you think that only Japanese actors should appear in Japanese-inspired works, only German actors in German movies, and so on? Sorry, but this is the most ridiculous criticism ever. So far, due to the nature of the character, the only one who should be played by a Japanese actor is Zoro, which they did.


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@bkoto Brother they are not supposed to be Japanese, Luffy is Brazilian, Nami is Swedish, Sanji is French, Usopp is South African etc, Zoro is the only Japanese on the crew and he is, as he should, played by a Japanese actor. This comment shows that if you do even the littlest of research you can save yourself from embarassment


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@iwatchalotoftv Japanese AMERICAN doesn't count IMHO.


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@azucarete true. I've only watched some episodes here an there in the 90s.

@bkoto He is not Japanese American he is from Tokyo

Considering only Zoro is japanese then it makes a of sense

@bkoto I don't think I've ever heard a dumbest thing. LOL.:rofl:

The best possible thing Netflix did to the show was cast non-japanese exclusive actors

@bkoto Mackenyu is literally Japanese?

@talonwaters There is Japan in One Piece under the name of Wano, Zoro comes from a Japanese like village too and is played by a Japanese actor, even Luffy is designed as Japanese boy in the manga/anime, Nami and Sanji have Japanese names too, many characters are for that fact, hell, the entirety of Marines have a strong Japanese theme to it but it's understandable they wouldn't go for Japanese actors for them, anyways, despite liking Luffy's actor performance I still wish they got a Japanese actor for the role.

@brunoliv are you joking, right?

@dariodp no, i'm not. a lot of characters are not japanese.

@brunoliv I was talking about the "racism" part.

The Actor of luffy really nails the role. Couldnt have found anyone better.
