So doing a Superman or supergirl show has to be hard, they are so overpowered that you keep having to throw more powerful things at them to matter, that is what this show tried to do first season. Spoilers and also dumbshit ahead. So we got some Superman b-list and supergirl enemies, and a lot of stupid asshole kryptonians, is the whole of the supposed super advanced race a bunch of dumbass jerks. They have space travel and super science and at least some know that yellow suns can give them god like power, why the hell stay on krypton and blow yourselves up? Then every where you go it’s basically the same plan take over and try to fuck it up the exact same way.

Season 2 tries to go with the things a super person is vulnerable to personal life. It kind of works there is still the big bads enough for action. But better, the writing is kinda wobbly and characters flip flop.

Season 3 is just a dumpster fire, with krytonian space witches and their overpowered but easily defeated world destroyers, it is as dumb as it sounds and it even if dumb it would have worked for a quarter to half of the season. But stretched out over a whole one just doesn’t have enough interest. Then with mostly bs fillers I think I’ll just fast forward next season to the crossovers if this keeps up.

There are some positives with the crossovers and the Martin manhunter stuff is good. Supergirl was cast perfectly, she has the look and is great with other shows writing her.

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