Shout by Xiofire

Jennifer's Body 2009

This is like a horror infused Juno with a dashing of Mean Girls. I can see how this movie has accrued a large cult following; every single line feels quotable in some capacity and the movie is genuinely hilarious in parts. I thought this movie was only famous due to Megan Fox's absurd levels of hotness and was marketed purely to appeal to that, but it's actually a pretty competent, funny slasher with undertones about sexuality and friendship. One of the rare movies that manages to fuse comedy and horror and actually worked for me.
That and the cast list is absolutely stacked, I couldn't believe some of the people in it as they were slowly introduced. What a delight of a movie to stumble upon, this will definitely join my yearly horror rotation during October as a nice reprieve when the heavy movies get a bit too much.

"It smells like Thai food in here, have you been fucking?!"
"She's only hovering, it's not that impressive"
"Do you buy all your murder weapons at Home Depot? God, you're butch"

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