Review by Ki

Not gonna lie, I'm definitely a sucker for the 'parallel universe/alternate reality/timeline' plots, and this one was actually pretty decent! Probably the best episode of the season so far.

The whole part with the town line being the barrier to this spell definitely reminded me a lot of Storybrooke, from Once Upon A Time. Pretty much the same thing happens, but in reverse.

I liked the progression of how all the witches were granted back their memories-it didn't seem rushed at all, and exploring how all our main cast were affected individually was great. I also really liked how the Imp was hidden-a smart little touch-we know Blackwood is devious, so it fit well and made sense for him, while adding that extra bit of complication to the plot, even if for a few extra minutes.

I do miss Agatha being sane, though, so that was definitely a tease, though I understand why... There's a new trio of Weird Sisters, so it'll be too jarring to replace them already, if at all. Agatha has been so out of it for so long, and well, Dorcus... Can't be revivified, so it seems.

The whole "We're endgame" line was SO cringey, not to mention I'm pretty sure it also happened in Riverdale at one point... So what the hell?! I know the two shows are somewhat interlaced since they're both based off of their respective Archie comics, but there was absolutely NO REASON for that to happen... Even if I really, really love Nabrina. Sabrina/Harvey don't have chemistry, nor do I ever really ship the couple where one of them is so completely different to the other. (Not to deny Sabrina of her humanity, but... Her being a witch is just as, if not even more important to her identity. This is, after all, a show emphasising that part of her the most).

The only thing is that Sabrina said it herself, she's still trying to figure out who she is... It feels way too soon for them to be back together, and Prudence definitely deserves to be talked with by Nick about his feelings.

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