It would be foolish to think that this episode would even begin to compete with the theatrical experience of last week's. Thankfully this is still a solid and meaningful episode that keeps a good pace.

Hilariously, after finally focusing on Ahsoka, she introduces the episode and then bows out for another chapter of Star Wars: Sabine Wren. Truthfully, it means so much more for a member of Phoenix Squadron to be there when Thrawn is introduced instead of Ahsoka. Sabine has a much stronger connection to him because of their history from Rebels. Infinitely more so for Ezra Bridger. And live-action Sabine is growing on me. I wonder how much of it is because of the hair.

I expected Thrawn, I did not expect Ezra. Getting both introduced in the same episode, the first act of the second half of this potentially-limited series, signals the speed at which the plot is going to move from now on. Ezra's introduction was quiet and emotional. Thrawn's introduction was Star Wars: Fury Road. Lars' scene chewing coupled with Thrawn's "haunted organ" theme song from Rebels is just... perfect. After this episode, every doubt I had about Thrawn have vanished.

Both live-action actors were the voices of the animated character in Star Wars: Rebels. Both fell right back into their respective roles with ease. Live-action Ezra (Eman Esfandi) It is not the same person as the voice of Ezra from Rebels (Taylor Gray). Completely fooled me by how perfectly Esfandi captured Ezra's inflections and cadence when talking.

The reunions were the focus of the episode, but there was a lot of nice details scattered throughout. There was so much more information about Baylan and Shin than I expected. And it felt like Shin was starting to experience disillusion with her Master's wisdom. She's becoming uneasy by everything that's happening and seems to be really bothered by the idea of witches. The purrgil only travel to Dathomir to die - the ring around the planet is a giant boneyard - so how would a purrgil take anyone back? And most importantly, there are good dogs in every galaxy.

Fun fact: Enoch, the Captain of the Guard, is Amos from The Expanse. I don't think it's stunt-casting, we're gonna see him do something interesting before this is over. Also, one of the Nightsisters is Claudia Black. Counting Dawson and Tennent, this episode has an oddly-large amount of established star power.

It feels like episodes 6 & 7 are the build up for the finale of episodes 8 & 9. Best to just be like Ahsoka during this whole episode and sit back and enjoy the ride there. Filoni is not the kind of person to let the mid-season overshadow the finale... it's potentinally going to be batshit crazy.

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