“Just to know ! Does this season has woke stuff?? So i can skip like the other season”

Last season was about the AIDS epidemic. Gay people do not equal woke. I highly suggest you figure out the correct use of the term or stay far away from everyone.

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@soundscream nothing gay yet in 1st episode. Woke pronouns, yes. Baby could be boy/girl/ or they said the doc. Every movie or show these days talk like that. Annoying as fuck. There are 2 genders. Male. Female. Not other. There is straight. There is gay. Bisexual if you like both. Not a whole bunch of letters as long as the alphabet.

@soundscream "Gay people do not equal woke." - sadly, in the eyes of Rightwing snowflakes, they do. It's basicaly been corrupted to mean anything progressive and Left-leaning, or anyone who isn't straight, cisgendered, (and generally) male and white. I think we'll struggle to correct its usage back, language has a mind of its own.

@chrisdanielmyers0818 awww you poor thing! Must be so hard for you :sob: so many letters to remember, and spell - likely a real issue for someone like you
