Review by Nico di Angelo

Doctor Who

Season 13

As an all-time stubborn Whovian, I must kinda agree with most: being that it's not Jodie's fault, she does even better than expected with the poor scripts and setups she's given... Many other actors/actresses of any gender or sex would have made it even worse, while she still tried to cary the badly written scripts...
The best example is Missy:
Missy's character made The Master way more cool to me than before, she was well scripted and also is a wonderful actress;
Jodie's Doctor character however, although also played by an actress with the power to lead, was so hadly scripted with so many holes that it made her destroy an all-time favorite of many... Jodie is now hoing to be hated by a big paet of Whovian community, for actually trying to save an amazing show that was given to a shitty writer. It's not her fault the ship was sinking, nor that she couldn't save it...

For the woke part, though: I blame that more on society today being overly political and constantly attacking each other for thinking not exactly the same. Movies and series these days are just trying to survive through an era where even the most loved things are able to get canceled for groups of people self-righteously taking it down cause they suddenly found something offensive that a year earlier was still part of the show's charm. In today's world nobody's safe for opinion-forcers and those that think even slightly different will get punished for it. They are as much forced making things overly woke today as we are forced watching it... :man_shrugging:
Ironic how these woke are so outraged about passed war-crimes and slavery, yet fight it now with a totalitarian regime of "Have my exact opinion or be prepared to be taken down."

Anyway, I do am a big fan of Tennant's reincarnation, so at least the ending made me feel hopeful in soon maybe being able to forget about season 13 and personally consider it non-canon or parallel alternate universe (like where we lost Rose).

Wen!? :sweat_smile:

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