I could listen to Benedict Cumberbatch talk all day but good thing this is a short because it was very tiresome. It was the perfect amount though and a type of storytelling I haven't seen much of (can't say i'm crazy about it). Same scrupulous sets, impeccable dialogue, symmetry in every shot, aspect ratios galore and carefully chosen color palette as the usual Anderson. It was very visual but I feel like judging the acting based on vocal performances, because holy shit was it ever vocal. Probably more words spoken than most 90 minute movies.

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@acoucalancha do you happen to have more short movies that are worth watching? Haven't really got much time these days so I am searching for some shorts movies

@dulneth-p not my department haha. I've been meaning to catch up on shorts myself, only seen a few. Treevenge is the only one i'd recommend for now, watch it around Christmas time. Maybe try some lists on IMDB or Google 'best short movies'.

@acoucalancha Technically the film is impeccable, but it's boring as hell
