Review by Ki

  • I really wish Nate didn't have this redemption arc. What he did was irreparable, and you could see just how upset/angry the team was after they witnessed the sign tearing. Not that he can't be forgiven, but sometimes it's just not worth redeeming the villain. Nate was so much more interesting as the "antagonist", and now that he's gone soft again, he's just... Boring... What does he do for the story now? I'm not interested in his arc w/ Jade, it feels too distracted from the main storyline.
  • Roy's shenanigans following the red string exercise was hilarious! He's easily one of my favourite characters.
  • I'm SO glad Jack took the love-bombing critisicm well and seems to have adjusted herself accordingly. It's always nice to see a healthy, queer relationship, especially a wlw one. Actually, I think I prefer Keeley/Jack than Keeley/Roy or Keeley/Jaime, at this point. Their relationship feels so much more relaxed and loving to me.
  • The team coming together for Sam at the end was so sweet! I adore the fact they're all supportive of each other, and this has shown how much better they're getting as a team again for the upcoming matches, for sure.
  • I've mentioned it in a previous episode's comment, but the thing separating this show from any other comedy/drama is that it revolves around soccer/sports, so I while it's often mentioned when they're not playing or practicing, I would love to keep seeing more of it in these episodes.
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