Review by Brando Calrissian

A Haunting in Venice 2023

More of a 7, but my wife loved it so I'm meeting in the middle. Ultimately I'm not a mystery aficionado like her, but even with my limited background it's easy to see this is the best between it, "Death on the Nile" and "Murder on the Orient Express".

Why is this the best one? Well I think "Death on the Nile" is flawed somewhere in execution that makes it boring and the conclusion falls flat so it's out for me by default. Murder on the Orient Express has a finale that doesn't really feel earned. So Haunting in Venice comes out on top almost by default.

This movie IS very mysterious and intriguing, and you never really know what curious character to point your finger at. The acting is great from everyone and it's got great pacing to match.

I think it does suffer with a finale that doesn't feel "earned". Maybe I'm too stupid but when they finally go through all the evidence it's a very lowercase "oh". Rather than an "OH" that might come as I remember the details that lead into the grand reveal. But the details here are all... So minor? You'd really have to scrutinize absolutely everything to figure it out. I'm not a world class detective... but I would have liked to think I was even if I was wrong. I dunno.

But again, it's good, and certainly the best of the 3 in the running series. Excellent set dressing, really great characters, and a wonderful ride (up till the end).

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