This was great, specially the biblical flashback part. Not only is this hilarious but it is also much deeper on morality and so interesting in the foundation of the character's friendship.

The whole "giving birth" scene is extraordinary: the pair's con, Tennant's superb performance, the wife catching on it while Job doesn't, Gabriel pretending to be an expert, while the rest have absolutely no clue. One of the funniest things I've seen in a while.

But it's also showing the very foundation of the main characters. They both know and love mankind, while the angels (and probably God), and we assume the demons, are totally oblivious of their lives. Well, not only mankind since Crowley doesn't even want to kill goats. The completely impossible understanding between Aziraphale and the other angels when it comes to children is the first real break in his blind faith, putting him on the path we know. While at the same time, Crowley and him implicitly share the same understanding and opinion on the situation. And thus they enter in their symmetrical/opposing roles.

This is such a great insight on how they became what they are in the book.

The present day plot pales in comparison, but John Hamm is still great. And more of the angels' weirdness. Maggie/Nina thing still uninteresting though.

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