Shout by Dima

The Challenge 2023

Seen in a movie theater.

Solid implementation of hero's journey with a reasonable plot device, you basically get a medical drama in a space industry setting. But besides main character everything else could have been done significantly better. Cinematography is good, but nothing novel. There were basically no reasons to shoot any part of this movie in space (besides bragging rights I guess).

It is almost three hours, but somehow all characters (including the main, but less so) fell underdeveloped and kinda cliché, not much depth to them. There is also no subtlety. Russian-style feminism is a bit forced, but sort of more realistic?

There are couple of 'awww' and a little bit more 'bruh' moments. It wants to be drama with elements of comedy, but could not truly turn serious.

This movie was done partly for propaganda, but what is its message? Russian female doctors can do everything, including space?

Despite all of the above, it was quite enjoyable and easy to watch. I did not notice those three hour passing by.
Overall: 6/10. Nothing novel, watch Gravity instead.

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@tomossible Gravity is in a league of its own. This movie was not even close.
