Review by TV Watcher

Convicting A Murderer 2023

I'm not a huge fan of Candace Owens, personally, but she really did a good job on this documentary that shows how Netflix really manipulated the audience with their Making a Murderer series. This is not supposition, the documentary shows you side-by-side contradictions about things like testimony that Netflix made sound very damning but when you see the actual footage you can see they actually cut and paste the testimony to support their narrative that Avery was being set up when, in fact, it's plain for all to see that he was a true monster that should rot in prison.

What's particularly embarrassing is the "truthers" that are on the show just really going to the mattresses over their belief that Avery was framed by the police based purely on the extremely biased view given by Netflix and their participation in total echo chambers of other truthers in online forums. They are so convinced they are the smartest person in the room yet they have not watched the unedited courtroom footage nor read the reports and dial in on these "conspiratorial aspects" that aren't conspiratorial at all once you finally understand the full depth of their presence in the case. For example, Netflix really alludes to a vial of blood that had a needle mark in the cap and had its evidence seal broken as if this is a "gotcha" for cops using the blood to frame Avery when, in fact, the needle mark is the mark made when TAKING his blood from him and the evidence seal was broken by his lawyers in his pursuit of being released on a previous crime he apparently did not commit. What's worse is that this is so painfully obvious that even Avery's defense team dropped that entire line once the facts surfaced, but this is omitted from their version of the story and instead spun as a smoking gun. This is the type of thing this series brings into crystal clear focus.

Time and again you watch how creative editing and actual RE-WRITING of testimony occurs repeatedly in the Netflix series. They show you what appears to be video testimony about a topic only to see, from the actual footage, that they expertly cut and paste video and statements from totally different questions in testimony so that looks so seamless you would swear that's what the guy said, when they didn't say anything even close to that. And this is beyond "editing to save time" because they actually increased the runtime on many occasions just to trick you into believing their pre-determined narrative of Avery's frame up. There's even prison phone call tapes that show the producers telling Avery that no matter what comes up in evidence that they don't care, they will only show him in the best possible light.

If you watched Making a Murderer then you should, without any hesitation, watch this series. If you are a truther you will see how full of holes the entire web of lies that both Netflix and Avery have you believing in and if you felt he was guilty then you get the full picture that truly justifies your belief.

If nothing else, even if this doesn't change your mind, it's worth watch to see how easily Netflix manipulated millions of viewers for entertainment and created a controversy where none existed, ruined lives of those in law enforcement just so they could get some buzz about their decidedly pre-determined outcome. And Netflix, while guilty, is just playing the game every documentary plays with you to lead you on the journey of their choosing, even if that journey goes nowhere near the truth -but you'll believe it anyway (which means you are in for a real treat when AI deepfakes get so good that you believe them without question).

Look, if you are a truther and have no interest in being convinced otherwise, that's fine. Netflix really did an expert job at convincing you of this, but you really should entertain other documentaries that may make you reconsider that a man who brutally raped and murdered a woman then desecrated her body should be given some second chance based on little more than a fanciful tale told by an expert storyteller.

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