My fears with the show were quickly confirmed: chef Ljubomir is going easy on the contestants. Most of them barely cook let alone worked in a professional kitchen. First episode had one of the most arrogant attitudes shown by a contestant in the history of Hell's Kitchen: refusing to follow the recipes/instructions, leaving to the dorms early during a challenge, whining that their challenge food was cold by the time of judging and lying about not knowing the challenge duration, arguing with her fellow contestants, constantly interrupting the chef during his explanations, not playing as a team player and only caring about her performance during team service, and finally, during her nomination speech, blaming the customers if they didn't like food she made (when the problem was that they didn't get served because chef closed down the ktichens as the teams didn't get food out in adequate time). And she got a free pass.

I already prepared myself mentally that this would be a more relaxed and comedic season. However, it's a shameful display of the state of television shows in Portugal. I understand that the TV executives made the decision to host a celebrities season to boost ratings, but to me, HK was always about giving the common man a chance to show their passion about COOKING (which the celebrities don't care much for) and give their all for the chance to better their lives professionally. Personally, I don't care about celebrities, local or not. I'll watch the show for the entertainment value, but I already know it'll be mediocre—and Portugal, be it TV or cinema, is doomed to produce little above MEDIOCRE.

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