Review by DAVY X

Final Destination 5 2011


Review by DAVY X

My favourite of the hole
Franchise so far
(with Final Destination 6
in pre production right
now, we will have to see
what that installment brings
to the party).
With that being said
Final Destination 5
is frickin awesome
and the opening disaster
scene was amazing and
at 4:44 it's the longest running
disaster scene of the
entire franchise.
This installment got
more right than it did
wrong, it was thrilling
and really well paced
and the deaths were
Awesome. unlike the
others this added something
genuinely interesting to
the lore and the rules
and we get
William bludworth
(Candy Man) back
being amazing.
Yes the shock twist at
the end could have been
hinted less through the
movie, too on the nose,
I would have appreciated
a bit more subtlety,
Still that Ending is
Still Epic and very
Fcuking clever
(Even though we have
a 6th installment).

Verdict: 1 and 5
got it right and definitely
the ones that matter
everything Inbetween
Meh or just okay,
let's see what 6 brings.
Unlike The Scream
Franchise which is
Phenomenal by the way
and Timeless and still
kicking ass and knocking
it out the ball park
(S7 post production)
"FD" is not ageing
well at all, more
swing and miss
than Hit.
But the franchise seems
to somehow keep
"Cheating Death"

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