Jani is confusing me a lot. When he dissed Olivér so fucking cruelly, I was truly disgusted by him. But now (at the beginning of the episode), he's proving that he can be self-aware, he knows he usually gets ahead of himself or that he's all muscles, no (or less) brain. I think deep down he really is a smart (or at least not dumb) guy, but it seems like the bad kinda gypsy habits die hard in him.

Omahgaaad! I am so SO glad that Joe pushed the topic and Zsombor now could see the whole picture - AND he even got a chance to say what he observed so now the Jarakay tribe KNOWS TOO that it wasn't the whole Buhawi that fooled them, only Tomi and Wendy. :pray: And Zsombor did so in a way that he didn't even hint that their tribe was gonna gang up with Jarakay against Karagatan - amazing damage control! I am liking him more and more now! :muscle:

Wendy talking back to the oldies was sooo fucking disrespectful (I specifically mean calling Attila or Simi - idk which - "man", like in the slang term). It takes some guts to bark back for an older (Hungarian) generation when they weren't even talking to/about you AND you're far from speaking Hungarian fluently. Yeah, the oldies were pissed and quietly jabbing a few words here and there, but 1) it was pretty deserved, 2) they didn't cross a certain line. Wendy is straight-up a disrespectful person who should've learned basic manners before joining this show. If she behaves like this in front of cameras, using the Hungarian language like this (obviously not talking about her accent or anything that's hard to change), I can't imagine how she talks in her native language, at her home. She needs some serious attitude check.
[Edit: I just remembered another thing I wanted to comment: Wendy intentionally calling Zera "Zara", even though she (Zera) corrected her (Wendy's) pronounciation in a pretty normal manner was just pathetic. Zera and Attila were so mature, saying "okay, if your name has to be pronounced Gwendy, just say that, and we'll pronounce it like that", but Wendy just kept on with her stupid vendetta against the tribe SHE FUCKED OVER, not the other way around. :person_facepalming:]

Zsombor honestly apologizing for his rushed actions and words in front of the other tribes was just... AAH! :raised_hands: We stan guys who realize their mistakes and try their best to correct it. :muscle: ...unlike Tomi and Wendy who are still lying into the others' faces about what truly happened. :upside_down: And Wendy even dares to make those sassy b*tch faces while Zsombor accused them of what ACTUALLY happened! Ugh... So disgusting.

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