Review by Matt D

Barbie 2023


Review by Matt D
BlockedParent2023-09-04T03:17:34Z— updated 2023-09-06T03:07:57Z

Starts off really strong and fun.
The sets look incredible and its immersive. They had a really great message about body positivity and unrealistic expectations on women & I was all the way behind it.... Then rapidly spirals into a pure man hate / Women supremacy. Its obvious the writers have a huge chip on their shoulders.. It's messaging is so heavy handed it completely took me out of the movie & brings it from enjoyable to a drab 2 hour rant by an angry twitter blue user who think's women's rights is still in the 1800's.
They have this unreal take that you're set for life if you're a man and just get instant success. They think everything's better if you're a man (Guess what, it doesn't work that way. I'm told every day how I'm a bad person because I'm a man, and for only that.... Just like this movie does)...

Being preached at about why being a man is so bad for 2 hours does not make for a fun viewing experience.

It shows the glaring double standards of the current mainstream talking points.
This movie blindly preaches that "the world would be better if the shoe was on the other foot" and it comes across as tone deaf.
Its BAD all one gender "rules the world" but if its women, its A-OK!... which defeats the purpose of feminism.
Women getting equality, not supremacy.
call this a hot take but I think men and women should be equal..... but this movie thinks men don't even deserve a seat on Barbie world's court - that's insane.

Why is Patriarchy bad but Matriarchy good....????
Its either all bad or none of it is, and this man hating director needs to make up her mind.

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@mattdeezly1996 The degree at which you missed the point of the movie is shocking. Men have run things since the beginning of time. During the middle of the movie, they showed how difficult it can be to be a young woman. Towards the end of the movie, it showed how difficult it can be to be a human. At certain points where men portrayed as.... well, the gender that has run the world? Yes, but why is that such a challenge to your masculinity? The movie didn't look down on men, it was trying to lift up people. Your review is proving the point of the movie. You need not feel threatened because a movie tried to show girls (or any human) that you can be more than you are.

@mattdeezly1996 If you think the point of the movie was "matriarchy good, patriarchy bad" then you really missed the point of the movie. It very clearly criticizes both, seeing the ills of being a man in a matriarchal world through Ken's eyes when he's in Barbieland, and the ills of being a woman in a patriarchal world through Barbie's eyes when she's in the "real world".

@the_argentinian Thanks for your insightful comment. You really added to the conversation

@adammorgan LFMAO! You can't be for real. It shit on men the entire movie. They were literally the butt of every joke .Its ok to like the movie and admit its anti-man. That's fine. Many people hate men full stop in 2023.

@mattdeezly1996 It's a freaking movie. Look at yourself coming out here to tell the world that a movie titled "Barbie" didn't kiss up to men. Holy S.

@adammorgan You sure are getting heated over this, I know its embarrassing to have L takes - but here's the thing. I don't want it to kiss up to men, I simply called it out for hating men blatantly. Its quite simple, but you don't seem to comprehend. If you don't like it, stop engaging with me.

@adammorgan Seethe and Mald harder

@mattdeezly1996 You really weren't paying attention... 1) Michael Cera's character was a good guy the entire time, so no, not all the men were bad guys. 2) Barbie straight up apologized to Ken at the end because she recognized that she'd treated him badly in the past and that the Kens were devalued in their society. She even had a whole speech about how the Kens should be their own people in their own right and not just be defined by their relationships with the Barbies! 'This is the opposite of the real world' is not the same thing as 'this is the better world'. Most of the jokes were pretty self-aware of that, IMO.

It honestly looks a bit like you're letting a victim complex blind you to this movie's values. Like: "They have this unreal take that you're set for life if you're a man and just get instant success." when they had a sequence where Ken tried and failed to get a real world job just by being a man. He kept being told he needed degrees. It wasn't subtle.

As a final point, I hardly think the director thinks her film's message is some ~perfect depiction of feminism that single-handedly saves the world~ when the film poked fun at the idea of a piece of media being that self-important right from the start.

Who tells you you’re a bad person because you’re a man?

The irony of a guy with an anime girl profile pic writing this is just too much...
