Shout by Andreas Mueller

@witty83: but that is exactly what the title of the show or the teaser trailer promised. You cannot blame them for YOUR expectations for this is really what it seems to be. Messi goes US at this point is more about the club and the league which are things I wanna see personally if I am honest. As a german person I am quite interested in these topics cause I know shit about the American football…sorry SOCCER system or the club itself. I’ve been following the games since Leo plays there by watching these summaries on AppleTV+ and still up to this day it is my firm belief that no Hollywood writers could have come up with a more intense script for this game. Early lead - other team ties - Messi steps on the pitch and scores an EPIC free kick in the 94th minute. Literally the LAST action of the game an it crashes is like a nuclear missile. What a fucking goal in a game like that - impressive as f…

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