This is basically how you make a season finale - well, almost. But the shared sentiment of the incoming times was on point, and we got a boxing game that had no stakes for any storyline, but still nicely represented the tension. Toni and Moritz left as they should, they see what is wrong and they can prepare for what's coming somewhere safe. I wanted to be convinced that mother Nyssen is really dead or not, and Katelbach's fate was unresolved as well, and Dr. Schmidt again wants to show a metaphore of who knows what. But Goldstein taking back his family name and at least half deciding on family was really nice, it's probably his story that tied the season together. Ein Tag wie Gold at the beginning felt like a cheap wannabe Zu Asche zu Staub, but it actually grew on the season as intended: the "enjoy it while you can" feels desperate, and it is decided that dreams can no longer hide the reality. I have no idea where they can go from here and for how long, politics is too much to get around it, and everything that comes with it is destined to be a nightmare. The fever dream will stop for sure, there is nothing else.

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