Worth watching overall, especially for fans of whodunits, despite the usual butchering of Poirot by Branagh who can’t even do a decent French accent. Fey is also terrible reciting her lines like a 5th grader rather than speaking them in a natural way. The rest of the actors do well.

The sets are good and quite lovely for the most part except for being overdone at times.

The plot is thick and unravels nicely which accounts for the decent grade.

I’m curious to see how much they deviated from Christie’s plot on which this is supposedly loosely based.

If Branagh had not so mercilessly slaughtered Orient Express and Nile I would have probably tolerated and liked this one better…

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Reply by Deleted

@hirkiti shouldn't it be a Belgian accent?


OPReply by hirkiti

Indeed. Ike many of the characters in the books I forget that he is Belgian and not French. @bkoto

@bkoto Belgian is not a language.


OPReply by hirkiti

Tu viens me chercher misère @keldian! The Belgians have a strong accent when speaking French so I presume someone with a super astute ear could detect the difference between a French person speaking English with a heavy accent and Belgian… I can’t.

@hirkiti Sure, but when one says someone has a French accent when speaking English, "French" refers to the language, not the nationality. A French person would say "(il a un) accent Anglais" in the context of a native English speaker trying to speak French, even if the latter was Australian. If you say "il a un accent Australien" in this context, you'll get funny looks.


OPReply by hirkiti

Indeed @keldian. So in fact it’s all @hildebread’s fault for asking if it should be a Belgian accent. I should have known better and remembered that the only time I’m wrong is when I think I’m wrong…

@hirkiti Indeed, you were correct the first time around. Feel free to doubt yourself less often.

@hirkiti Kenneth is great as Poirot.

No he is snot! He’s poop and a disgrace. @the_argentinian

@the_argentinian said no one ever

@felixgotrek find me one negative review about his portrayal.

@the_argentinian there are plenty of it since 2017 so please do a little bit of research.
