The sequel to "The Maze Runner" is able to more or less maintain the quality of its predecessor. In other words, "The Scorch Trials" is another competently directed, if not exactly outstanding, young-adult film. In the second part of the trilogy, there is a bit more emphasis on worldbuilding, and the sets are a bit more futuristic. Furthermore, there are some nice zombie horror moments. At the same time, the plot is quite predictable: at the beginning, the survivors of the labyrinth from the first installment are welcomed by Evil McEvilface (Aidan Gillen), and afterward, the story takes its expected course. The film can certainly be commended for not trying to mislead the viewer at all (I mean, the bad guys continue to call themselves WCKD and Wicked, respectively). Accordingly, the plot quickly gets back on track, once again making for a fairly entertaining film. However, it didn't really pique my interest in the overarching plot either.

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