Shout by dreuse

When Evil Lurks 2023

This film offers an intriguing perspective on possession, complemented by impressive makeup and practical effects in the majority of its scenes, although some portrayals of possessed children towards the end could have been better. However, it falls short in exploring various missed opportunities and unresolved plot points. Additionally, some characters appear underdeveloped, and certain decisions appear as irrational/stupid in a way that not even fear or despair would justify them.

Just to mention a few points from the top of my mind:
At some point we see that the devil has difficulties manifesting the possession on autistic people, this interesting fact is simply thrown away a few minutes later.
What explains Jimi not being possessed after driving over his possessed sister-in-law?
How the kids at the school (terrible acting, btw) moved all those bodies? Including Uriel.
One of the rules “to not get infected” mentioned in the film is to not hurt the possessed, but Pedro slaps the shit out of a little possessed girl????
Everyone seems to know the rules, but they conveniently forget them?

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@dreuse All valid points and I wish I had answers lol. I don't understand how Jimi didn't get affected, but perhaps it was because he didn't use a firearm but used a car? Though, the school part I can't explain. How children managed to move what looks to be an 800lb infection of a man is beyond me.
