Review by Shubes

Halloween 2007

What a great diversion from the "original" franchise! While this stuck to the basic premise of the Halloween films (i.e. Michael is traumatized, murders family, escapes from asylum, goes on killing spree) the whole "origin of Michael" twist was a GREAT change (IMO) from the original - and still yet-to-be-explained - theme throughout the eight films included in the "original" franchise. Still no explanation of how he became seemingly indestructible and capable of superhuman feats but oh well...I guess that's not a part of the story so we'll never know. After 9 films, does it even matter anymore? Yeah, it kinda does to some of us because, at this point, Michael Myers doesn't make any sense to me. Neither did Jason Voorhees, which is why I burned out on THAT franchise before ever completing it. As far as films go, however, this was definitely a nice changeup from the original movies, and of course with it being a Rob Zombie film, it's going to be gruesome (as is the language) and much more violently appalling. The rape scene did absolutely NOTHING for the story, however, so it loses several points right there. There was absolutely NOTHING in the story of Michael Myers that needed or wanted a rape scene; that's just someone getting their rocks off in some sick manner. I mean, the guys could've just walked in to Michael's room and started trashing the place; there was no reason to write a rape scene in to this film. Likewise, the other sex scenes (there are several, be warned) were unnecessary and added nothing. At least in the aforementioned franchise (the one with the hockey mask), the writers incorporated really cool methods of killing two people at once; here, it was, "Sorry to interrupt before you finish, but here's where I kill you" and then on to the second victim (always the female) who lays helplessly on the bed, floor, kitchen table, wherever....bare breasts smeared with lover's blood while she screams and waits for her turn to dance with Michael. I don't know... I loved the whole first part of this film, and I enjoyed the far-more-gruesome kill scenes, but I just don't see the Halloween collection ever becoming a favorite of mine simply because I don't understand Michael Myers. But as far as horror movies go, this one was great and deserves to be watched by any fan of horror. Again, this is just my opinion, but had John Carpenter written the original Halloween like this one, I probably would've been hooked almost from the start. When you can understand the background and "upbringing", so to speak, of a villain, it makes it easier to buy into them as an antagonist. Perfect example was the Joker movie; it brought a whole new depth to the Batman villain. Here, it's much easier to buy into Michael Myers as a psychopathic killer simply because this film gives you a TINY peek into Michael's childhood (being bullied, made fun of, pushed around by everyone, including his older sister, etc) but there's still no explanation for why he seems to be immortal and given to Hulk-like strength. The cast and crew did great work here (for the most part) but understand that - as in all these goofy horror films - there are some plotholes big enough to drive a truck through. You just have to roll with it and enjoy the film. At 2:01:00, this is kind of lengthy for a shallow horror movie but if you take a popcorn break about halfway through, it's not too bad. Hard to sit through the whole thing at one time, though...

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