[10/10] I frickin’ loved this. The premise of Spock not understanding humor but trying to put up a blooper reel is brilliant. There’s such delicious anti-humor to this one! And the stone faced, shocked, or heartbroken reactions from the rest of the crew is the icing on the cake.

I think my favorite part is the mix of the extremeness of these alleged “bloopers” and Spock’s deadpan explanations for them. I died laughing at the anti humor of “It is funny because normally he does have legs.” The gags about T’Pring leaving Spock, and him reasoning that it’s funny because “this shattered me” is an ironically hilarious misunderstanding of humor. (And having Nurse Chapel tear up too is a nice touch!) And him showing a ship being destroyed, with the logic that if a small misfortune is funny, a big misfortune is even funnier is tremendous in how you can kind of understand his reasoning but it’s so horribly wrong.

The fact that, in the end, what wins the crowd over is an America’s Funniest Videos-style vision of bathroom humor, pratfalls, nutshots, and farts is the best absurd bow to put on this thing. And there’s even a sort of franchise in-joke with how Gene Roddenberry used to take blooper reels from The Original Series to show at conventions.

Overall, the comic ridiculousness and layers upon layers of humor in this one is all just great. A+!

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