Shout by killip.sean

Mad Men: Season 3

3x01 Out of Town

The elevator scene between Ken and Pete is a 5 star meal of acting, writing and direction. Particularly when you see their confrontation after their joint meeting.

Everything has moved forward significantly, yet you don't feel like you've lost your place. Don's vision of his stepmother and mother is on par with some Sopranos dream sequences in my opinion. Sal's time with the bellboy is so tragically bittersweet. He saw a beautiful horizon and then it was taken away. Even when he wants it, acts on it, is being given the golden opportunity, in the end he can't have it. And all the while being clocked by Don. Joan asserting herself even as she plans to leave tells me everything about how she feels about retreating into her marriage.

Don very clearly flagging to Sal that he couldn't care less about his homosexuality, that he cares far more about Sal as an ally, a colleague and a collaborator. The background coughs on the plane flight home were a nice touch. I'm sure it sounded like a fucking cancer ward in those days.

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