Another good episode, but i don't like the "Scully's renewed religious faith"

Cancer man's plan doesn't really make sense. Trying to recruit Mulder, who's been against him all this time, and helping Mulder out multiple times, while also exposing himself to danger, which is what happened at the end with his supposed death. His behavior doesn't really make enough sense.

Mulder naming Blevins yet he had no evidence? So why would Blevins care? And there was still the evidence that Mulder shot that guy. Nevermind.

Still, it's a good episode. It was interesting seeing cancer man help out Mulder and trying to recruit him. It was nice seeing Mulder's reunion with Samantha, whether she is real or a clone. Though that thread threatens to further convolute things, but for now it's fine. I liked the moments between Mulder and Scully, their looks, how they touch each other, how Mulder kissed her twice on the cheek. His agony at being by her bedside when he planned to take cancer man's offer. It's all quite good. The conversation between Mulder and Scully's brother was really well done.

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