Review by Sabian

  • A few minutes in (after the text), I'm thinking "What in the Harry Potter Narnia is going on here?". It's an unfamiliar yet familiar mixture of medieval and modern themes, seemingly from a 1960s perspective of what the future may be like. Interesting, I'll keep watching...

  • I'm at the intro sequence now, and I still have no idea what is going on, who anyone is, or why anything is important. All I got is that

    • This is a universe where Human souls exist as Harry Potter patronuses or spirit animals
    • Some unknown baby is important to somebody
    • 2 kids played around in a terribly managed school/castle (they were allowed to run through dirty laundry straight into the kitchens; totally hygienic lol), where one of the kids may be the baby from the previous scene
    • Spirit animals disappear when humans die (since this is in a semi-modern world, what happens when someone "dies" then gets revived by CPR/defib?)
    • The girl kid is willing to drink from a random bottle of wine she found in a crypt

None of this is connecting with me in an interesting way yet, but I'll keep watching...

  • The intro sequence + animations reminds me a lot of Game of Thrones (objects transforming around), Benjamin Button (old-style watch), Stargate SG-1 (old-style watch reminds me of a DHD), Inception (upside-down stairs and city), and Interstellar (the multiple layers of cityscapes and horizons sandwiching together reminds me of the Tesseract). Music is pretty generic to me. I'll keep watching...

  • At the end now, I'm thinking of Narnia the whole time with the talking animals and 1960s/2000s anachronism of technologies. I'm interested enough in this "dust" and the city revealed in the aurora borealis to watch another episode to see what the "evil Ministry of Magic" will do, and what they know

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